Showing 1 - 4 of 4 Results
40 Anos de Revolucion (Coleccion Cuba y sus Jueces) by Beatriz Bernal, Virgilio Be... ISBN: 9780897299015 List Price: $29.95
Innovative Experiences in Access to Finance: Market-friendly Roles for the Visible Hand? (La... by Torre, Augusto de la, Gozzi... ISBN: 9780821370803 List Price: $30.00
Creciendo con mi hija: Experiencias y aprendizajes de una madre: La crianza desde el autocon... by Soto Ramos, Patricia, del C... ISBN: 9781495418969 List Price: $19.16
Optimization and Learning : Third International Conference, OLA 2020, C�diz, Spain, February... by Dorronsoro, Bernab�, Ruiz, ... ISBN: 9783030419127 List Price: $84.99